
Fast Twitch Performance Coaching provides athletes of all abilities access to high quality running, cycling and triathlon coaching services. Our coaching philosophy is based around a close working relationship with each athlete.

By providing our athletes with unlimited online, email and phone contact we help to create the optimal support network required for exceptional athletic results.

All training plans are constructed based on the individual goals, time availabilities, and personal commitments of each athlete. Using a systematic and balanced approach to training, we ensure that each training plan takes into account all work, family and social demands. The result is a variety of time efficient training techniques that are both interesting and enjoyable and proven to improve athletic performance.

In addition to using highly successful training strategies in a periodised program, significant attention is also paid to recovery, core stability, strength and flexibility. Dietary reviews and recommendations are also an important part of our coaching service.

JAMES SWADLING (Performance Director)

Having been involved in elite endurance sports as a competitor and coach for the past 15 years, James has had the pleasure of working with some of Australia’s most successful athletes and coaches. James has a proven track record as a coach having helped many athletes to achieve their goals, from completing their first triathlon through to winning multiple State Championships and competing at a National and International level.

James studied Exercise and Sports Science at Sydney University and holds a Level 1 Triathlon, Level 2 Cycling and Level 3 Athletics accreditation. Throughout high school he competed as a middle distance runner, specialising in 1500m, 3000m and cross country events where he represented NSW Schools at the National Championships. During university he moved into triathlons where he competed in several ITU Olympic Distance races before focussing on long course events (specifically 70.3 distance) as they favoured his strengths as a runner/cyclist.

After university James shifted his focus towards road cycling. Currently competing in the National Road Series- the highest level of domestic competition in Australia- James frequently rubs shoulders with Olympians and full time professional cyclists, allowing him a first hand glimpse of what is required to bring out your best athletic performance.