
“My two daughters (11 and 9) have been doing running squad with James for a few years now. They both look forward to and enjoy the sessions. James keeps them very interested in new and old skills which he cleverly integrates with games. It has improved their fitness, running skills and knowledge as well as their nutritional understanding.

Tash Evans (mother of Emily, Ravenswood College, and Annabelle, Roseville Public School)

“James, I am writing to let you know how much the girls have enjoyed the junior athletics squads, and how much they have improved as a direct result of this training.

We have seen a huge improvement in their individual performances and times due to the skills and techniques they have learnt in these sessions. One of the biggest changes we have seen is the attitude you have instilled in the girls. They are constantly asking us for more sessions with you!

Both the girls walk away from your training squads tired but have enjoyed it immensely and are always looking forward to the next one. As a parent, it is great to see the enthusiasm that you bring to the squad and that every child feels special during the training session.

It is a credit to yourself and we are very grateful for what you have given the girls.”

Adrian Florance (father of Taylor and Tegan, Roseville College)

“When I did my first cross country I came 9th so my mum said to me if I want to improve my skills in running I can do running every week and I will get better. After a week my mum had booked me a running lesson with James the running coach. I improved my skills by the end of the year I went from 9th to 2nd in cross country. We trained for the next year and then went from 2nd to 1st. I like James because he makes running fun unlike mum who is boring and embarrasses me by doing her squats in a main road. James is the best running coach for me and hopefully for you.”

Ella McMullen (one of James’ students)


“When I started training with James he introduced me to his other students which made me feel comfortable and then I wanted to run every day. He teaches us many techniques on how to run and also keeps us fit. My school cross country running has improved each year from 3rd place three years ago to first place this year. He also gives us taste testing of healthy snack foods and sometimes he gives us sweets!”

Hamish McMullen (one of James’ students)